The Only Two Things to Do in Our Life

The Only Two Things to Do in Our Life

There are about eight billion people in the world at this time, but estimates reveal that 108 billion people lived since the beginning of this universe. 108 billion minus 8 billion who are alive today equals 100 billion people who died. Currently, people are dying without a doubt. Since life is too short and tomorrow is not guaranteed, we must prepare two things before we abandon this beautiful world!

As soon as we die and get buried, two angels will come, test our faith and ask each of us these three questions: Who is your Lord? What is your religion? What is your faith about this person? These questions seem very easy at the moment, but when T 23 we go to the graves, their answers will depend on whether we were rightly guided during our living days. If we take the right path of Allah, obey Him and do good deeds (perform prayers, fast during Ramadan and other necessary deeds), we will go to heaven Insha Allah, and we will enjoy never-ending beautiful life in paradise.

 As we see in many religious books and the Hadith narrated by Abdirahman Ibn Auf, some of prophet Muhamad’s companions (i.e., the 10 people who were given glad tidings of paradise) were promised heaven while living by the Almighty Allah because of their sacrifice to the Islamic religion as well as doing extraordinary good deeds. In contrast, if we neglect to obey Allah during our short spell on the ground, we will lose forever. The deeds that may spoil us include not praying, murdering, drugs addictions, illegal sex or being an infidel. They may directly take us to hell where there is unbearable punishment. It is like choosing one of two roads that are diverging.

The second main thing is leaving your mark in this world. It means contributing to the future generation. Many people die while nobody remembers them. Many others who died thousands or a million years ago are still popular. Leaving a good mark does not depend on any religion. For 24 instance, prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was a single person, but about two billion people follows him today. Another example, Thomas Edison, the inventor of electric power generation, was a Christian but his name and contribution will forever be remembered. At the moment, if we recognize what we want our legacy to be, we will start building it. It will allow us to begin doing what matters now and later. It will also make us use our time, energy, and brain better and make good decisions. But keep in mind one thing! Your legacy must be positive. We know many people who left a very bad mark. Because of their notorious brutality, anyone who hears their names curses them. We should avoid that and make the next generation respect us and be proud of us.

 In conclusion, a majority of the people are busy doing meaningless things despite having enough time and resources. We always regret when we lose and ask ourselves why we don’t work hard. But never neglect to stay in touch with the forever living King, Allah, to get his mercy. You must also make the people proudly remember you. What are you waiting for? It is your turn now!



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