Prof. Abdalla Mansuur- A Living Symbol of Dedication

Prof. Abdalla Mansuur- A Living Symbol of Dedication

Abdalla Omar Mansuur is just a person who have all characteristics like intellectual curiosity, open-mindedness, strong communication skills, discipline and perseverance, passion and enthusiasm. He always has deep interest in their field of research, Somali language, and culture as he desires to share their knowledge with others and find out more about the history of Somali people and their culture. This piece is about the professor who dedicated his whole life to contribute to the Somali library and tell the world about Somali people.

Abdalla Omar Mansur was born in 1944 in Dinsor District, Somalia. He took his lower primary education in Dinsor, and moved to Somalia’s metropolis Mogadishu. He attended an intermediate school and eventually finished secondary school in 1968. He joined Teacher Training College where he became a professional primary school teacher and went back to his hometown to teach Arabic language especially “Nahwa”. After two years, Mansur joined Somali National University, and he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics in 1975.

Following his graduation, he was hired by the university and worked as a lecturer for only two years.

In 1977, Mansuur went to Italy for further studies as he and some other students were granted a scholarship. He received Master’s Degree in Linguistics from Sapienza University of Rome. As he was already good in different languages like Somali, Arabic, English and Italian, Mansuur has demonstrated a deep understanding of language. His key attributes and accompaniments while in the university included strong theoretical foundation, research skills, publications and presentations, and language proficiency.

Upon his return to the country, Mansuur was appointed as the head of Somali National University’s Italian language department. Meanwhile, he became the deputy dean of the School of Linguistics where he taught Cushitic languages. He was very popular member of the university as many of his students as well as management admired him.

The nation destroyed while Mansuur on a seminar in Italy. He never wanted to stay in a foreign land, but that time’s gloomy situation in Somalia forced him to do so.

 Mansuur has been a brilliant member of the Somali Research Centre in Roma, Italy. Also, he was a professor of Somali and Arabic languages at “Universit degli Studi Roma Tre” for a long time where he contributed a lot.

Professor Abdalla Omar Mansuur spent most of his life researching Somali language, the key aspects he considered to gain a comprehensive understanding were grammar, phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, applied linguistics, field linguistics and so on. He discovered a lot about such things in Somali language.

Also, Prof. Mansuur wrote many books most notably Seeska Naxwaha Af Somaliga (Foundations of Somali Grammar).Qaamuus Af Somali (Somali Dictionary), Astaamaha Maansada Somaliyeed ( Characteristics of Somali Poetry), Taariikhda Afka iyo Bulshada Somaliyeed( History of Somali People and Their Language), countless of articles, and other books. Some of them were co-written by him and an Italian professor called professor Annarita Puglielli who was once his teacher. While talking about Foundations of Somali Grammar, Mnsuur remarked, “I never thought it will be a book all Somali people benefit from”.

Mansuur once said, “I realized that writing was the only way to contribute to the knowledge of the Somali people. I took a way without knowing where it would end. 40 years later, I feel that I did much and a lot are remaining. I want to fight ignorance, discrimination and laziness by writing. I wanted to contribute to the Somali library and deny the infamous quote saying Somalis are oral society who don’t write. I realized that if Somali research were written in Somali language, it could make a lot of difference. But if written in a foreign language, it damages the culture and the language of Somali people”.

Mnsuur showed the world the that researches can be carried in Somali languages as he did many times. He also believes that Somali stories must told by Somalis. He really contributed much to the life, knowledge and future of Somali people and next generations.

Prof. Mansuur has unique characteristics like multilingualism. He is fluent in multiple languages and they are a huge asset for someone studying language and culture like him. Also, his understanding and respecting different cultural perspectives is crucial for his researches and knowledge. Besides, his critical thinking skills is exceptional as his ability to analyze information, evaluate evidence, and draw sound conclusions are all great.

At the moment, he is based in Mogadishu, Somalia and he is the director of Akademiye-Goboleedka Af Soomaaliga ee AGA ( Somali Language Regional Academy) as he is still keeping on his contribution to his people.

Most popular Somali and foreign writers and historians acknowledge him more than any other person. Professor Abdalla Omar Mansuur will forever remain the hearts of Somali people.

Hamza Yassin


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