How a Mother Ruined Her Daughter’s Life!

How a Mother Ruined Her Daughter’s Life!

Abdiweli visited a class to introduce himself to the students after recently graduating from university. Being few years older than the students, he was a stylish man with a medium built. Since he was eloquent speaker, calm, and outgoing person, he caught the attention of the most beautiful girl in the school who developed strong feelings for him. She was very concerned about how to approach him while considering the difficulty of the situation as he was her teacher. After much contemplation, she came up with the courage to express her love for him.

Abdiweli, recognizing the potential risks involved, privately acknowledged, “Oh, that seems to be very dangerous. A romantic relationship between a student and a teacher is something that goes beyond the school standards.” He asked her to give him a week to consider the matter further.

After carefully considering the situation from various perspectives and weighing the possible outcomes, Abdiweli initially hesitated to accept the girl’s confession. However, he was overjoyed at the prospect of a relationship with her, especially since he had hidden feelings for her. When the designated time finished, he conveyed his acceptance to her, and a true love story started from there. They engaged in secret meetings, frequent phone conversations, exchanged gifts, and sent numerous text messages, solidifying their bond as an inseparable couple.

When first year of being together finished, Abdiweli felt it was the best moment to propose marriage to Najah. They discussed the matter, and fortunately, she agreed with his decision. Abdiweli, who was a young man in his early twenties, made a decision to approach Najah’s family without seeking advice from anyone but her. He resolved to bring a friend along to visit Najah’s home and discuss their intentions. Unfortunately, Najah’s father passed away some years ago, leaving her mother and siblings in the family. When Abdiweli expressed his intentions to Najah’s mother, she requested some time for consultation and asked him to return after five days.

When the days finished, Abdiweli with his team arrived at Najah’s home. The atmosphere shifted when they saw Najah’s fearful and merciless uncle during their visit. That was when Abdiweli learned that his mission was about to fail. Despite their efforts to persuade the family, particularly the reluctant members, including the uncle, the mother and an elder sister, the outcome remained unfavorable. Disheartened by the family’s reluctance, Abdiweli left their home empty-handed as  his proposal had not been accepted.

Najah was overwhelmed with emotion and broke down in tears as the family’s decision deeply affected her. Despite her best efforts to persuade her mother, elder sister, and relatives to accept her marriage to Abdiweli, her pleas fell on deaf ears. The primary reason for their rejection was that Abdiweli came from far region. The stress and anxiety from the situation took a toll on Najah, leading to severe depression as well psychological problems. Whatever they could, she and Abdiweli were unable to find a resolution to the impasse.

Najah suggested that Abdiweli marry her without her mother’s consent, but he declined as he did not want a relationship where he and his mother-in-law would be at odds. Subsequently, one of Najah’s brothers, a kind-hearted individual, proposed that Abdiweli marry Najah with his approval. However, Abdiweli did not agree to this arrangement. Despite several attempts by others to persuade Najah’s mother to allow the young couple to be united, their efforts were unsuccessful, adding to Najah’s mounting disappointment.

Abdiweli and Najah faced their toughest challenges during this period, so they were unable to maintain communication. While Najah felt compelled to persist in the relationship despite the failed marriage proposal, Abdiweli could not bring himself to engage in a romantic involvement with someone he did not have an opportunity to marry. Eventually, all hope disappeared.

One day, the mayor of the town visited a business center where Abdiweli and his friends were staying. He greeted them warmly and engaged in casual conversation, inquiring about their families, health, and other routine matters. One of Abdiweli’s friends said to him, “everything is well, but the residents of this town are not good people for denying this handsome young man the opportunity to marry one of the girls in town.” The mayor expressed disbelief at this revelation and vowed to compensate Abdiweli generously. Subsequently, he held a private meeting with Abdiweli, informing him of his intention for Abdiweli to marry his daughter. Initially, Abdiweli shocked by the unexpected proposal but eventually agreed wholeheartedly.

The mayor approached his most beautiful daughter to inquire if she would be open to marrying someone else. Initially, she declined, assuming the potential suitor was an older man in his fifties. However, upon learning that the suitor was a young man, she readily agreed to the proposal.

A few weeks later, an extraordinary wedding ceremony was arranged, with many guests in attendance. Abdiweli had never seen the bride before as their interactions had been limited to telephone conversations. He harbored concerns about how they would connect and whether they would understand each other. However, when the bride made her entrance at the venue, Abdiweli was captivated by her beauty and charm. It was at that moment that a smile finally graced his face.

Among the attendees at the wedding, there was a familiar face – Najah. She was silently shedding tears, wiping them away with her hands and tissues. Abdiweli felt a pang of sorrow seeing his former lover in distress, but he felt powerless to offer any assistance. Eventually, Najah left the venue, and that night marked the darkest moment of her life. She never pursued another relationship, and many of her aspirations were shattered.

Abdiweli and Kaltun “the bride” spent two years in her hometown before relocating to Abdiweli’s birthplace. They have been blessed with five beautiful children and lead a fulfilling life, grateful for the blessings bestowed upon them by Allah.

In stark contrast, Najah has never found happiness since the day her hopes were dashed. She remains unmarried and has grappled with ongoing psychological difficulties. Over the years, she attempted to reach out to Abdiweli numerous times. Despite more than a decade passing, she still holds onto the belief that she may one day be reunited with Abdiweli. However, it appears to be an unattainable dream, seemingly impossible to achieve.

We always hear someone who died of love like Layla, Qays, Elmi Bodhari, and others. If another has to follow, it should be Najah.

Hamza Yassin


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