Never Look Someone Down! An Amazing Love Story

Never Look Someone Down! An Amazing Love Story

It was a rainy day, and there were showers every hour. The weather was not cold. It was also a Monday morning in which everybody was going where planned. Suddenly a rain shower started, while all the people in the market were circulating. Everyone went somewhere to avoid getting wet. A well-dressed man took shelter in a nearby fuel station. Two girls also came to the fuel station because of the rain. They were returning home from a university they attended. Apart from the threesome and workers, no other person stood there.

The man greeted the girls. One of the girls replied to the man as the other was a very shy person. The outgoing one said, “My name is Saredo and this is my friend Aisha”. The man said to the girls, “Good introduction; my name is Hussein.” They talked about the weather, the city and the likes.

When the rain stopped, the girls immediately left, but Hussein remained there as he was thinking how beautiful and cute Aisha was. Then, he went back home. That may be what we call “love at first sight,” but we will see how things turn out in the end.

Hussein had already fallen in love with Aisha but did not know where she lived. He didn’t ask them for any address. A week later, he went to the university. He asked some students in the cafeteria of the campus if they knew Aisha or Saredo; but he did not find them. He came back to the campus another day. Fortunately, he saw Mrs. Saredo holding her backpack and asked about Aisha. She told him that Aisha was sick recently. “Oh sorry! Is she in a hospital?” he asked. “Yes, she is,” Saredo replied. She told him the location of the hospital which was not far from there.

Mr. Hussein visited her in the hospital with drinks and desserts. He greeted and wished her a quick recovery. Aisha’s family asked who the stranger was. She simply said, “I don’t know; maybe one of our students.” Actually, she knew him but disliked to see him.

Aisha recovered from the illness. Hussein saw her in the vicinity of the university. He dared to tell her that he loved her so much. She left without a word. He found her in Facebook. He messaged her many times; but she did not reply to him. He felt upset, as he never got any encouraging sign from her. He asked Saredo for her help. Saredo didn’t like how her friend treated him. She begged Aisha to change her view towards Hussein. Aisha said, “This man is not the kind of men I like to date. If you want him, just follow.” The girls also broke up over Hussein’s matter as Aisha was angered by Saredo’s comments. Hussein became abnormally quiet and stayed in his bed for weeks. He did everything to approach her, but all in vain.

One day Hussein went to Aisha’s father. The two met in a hotel.  After introduction and discussion, Hussein said to the father, “I want to marry your daughter, dad [or “Sir”].” The father said, “If she allows you, it is Ok. But if she does not want you, I cannot force her.” Hussein already knew Aisha’s view, and this condition was like a NO! 

Though he kept messaging her, they didn’t see each other for months. One day, Aisha saw Hussein sitting next to her in a public bus.  She immediately got off to avoid him. His friends and colleagues were unaware of his condition, but felt that something was wrong with him. He sent gifts to Aisha through Saredo. Aisha refused to receive them, but Saredo didn’t tell him that his gifts had been wasted. She did that not to increase his anxiety.

Since he got rejected a million times, he started to gradually forget her as he was always comforted by Saredo. He stopped communicating with Aisha.

The girls graduated from the university two years later. At that time Hussein was appointed as the head of a local company. He hired Saredo as his secretary. He went to coastal areas for tourism. During his spell in the beaches, he met many people and learned that love does not hurt the people, but people hurt each other.

When he was turned down by Aisha, somebody else told him not to worry. When Aisha left and wanted him to run after her forever, somebody else stopped him. While tears were falling from his eyes because of Aisha, somebody else was omitting. While he was heartbroken, somebody else felt sorry for him. When he was stranded, somebody else came to accompany him. That somebody was Saredo. She treated him amazingly, and he proposed to her a marriage. Unforeseen marriage happened. They enjoyed a life of pride and love.

One day Aisha came to Hussein’s company. She didn’t know that the manager was the man she turned down when he needed her help most. She was allowed to enter the manager’s office. When her eyes glimpsed him, she was about to fall. She handed him a CV and an application letter to get employed. He said, “Be ready for an interview next week.” She came back the following week but couldn’t talk as she remembered how things changed. Anyway, he hired her because she was in a financial crisis. She became one of the low ranking workers.

Saredo was promoted and became a senior adviser. Aisha regrets repeatedly as she is now reluctant to see the couple. But she is treated and cared for well in the work place. The couples now have four children.

by Hamze Yasin


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