Eight Reasons Why You Still Remember Your Ex!

Eight Reasons Why You Still Remember Your Ex!

Seeing couples or love partners breaking up is something that always happens in our very eyes. Such relationships that prematurely ends have different causes, but some ex partners never forget each other while others remove each other from their memories with in a short time. Here are the eight main reasons why you can never forget to your ex-partner.

1. Outside force caused the breakup: Sometimes the breakup of partners or couples is caused by an outside force in which none of them controls. This happens without the consent of the couples and most of them including parents who don’t want the couples to be united, health reasons in which one of them fails to go on with the relationship, travelling to another country where you may not be able to return to your partner, and many others. Therefore, whenever the cause of the breakup is not controlled by the love partners, they always remember one another no matter how much time they are away from each other.

2. Your first lover: It is human nature to not forget your memories with the beginnings of everything. For example, we always remember our first day of school, our first experience of going to somewhere on vacation, our first time of eating a new food, our first time of visiting a zoo and the likes. Thus, someone’s first love partner remains his/her heart as they shared an unbreakable memorial feeling.

3. Emotional Connection: Just like how a favorite song that you listen to for specific time like travelling, swimming, exercising or bewildering can evoke strong emotions, the emotional bond formed with an ex-partner can linger long after the relationship ends. This connection may bring back memories, both happy and sad, that are hard to shake off. This always happens when you don’t get the kind of treatment from your ex-partner any longer.

4. Shared Memories: From spontaneous road trips to cozy nights in, couples often create a treasure trove of shared experiences that become woven into the fabric of their lives. These memories can act as a reminder of the good times shared with an ex-partner. Besides, what you do one day together, instantly becomes a shared memory.

5. Impact on Personal Growth: Relationships serve as mirrors that reflect our strengths, weaknesses, and growth edges. The lessons learned and insights gained from a past relationship can continue to shape an individual’s personal growth journey long after the breakup. Such lessons can help us avoid negative actions done before as well as learning from them.

6. Unresolved Issues: Just like an unfinished book, unresolved conflicts or unspoken words can leave a lingering sense of incompleteness. Thoughts about an ex-partner may resurface as individuals grapple with unresolved issues from the past. If you plan to do things and the breakup comes without doing, you may still think how things would be if you do so.

7. Nostalgia: Nostalgia has a way of painting the past in a rosy hue, highlighting the moments of joy and connection while softening the rough edges. Longing for the comfort and familiarity of a past relationship can keep memories of an ex-partner alive in one’s mind. This is why some people suffer because of the breakup.

8. Not finding a person like him/her: Whenever a breakup happens, the partners go different ways and try to find a better person to share things with. If you don’t find a suitable and caring person like your ex-partner, you will always remember him/her and wish you could stay. For example, your ex-partner used to give you gifts, helped you financially or was very good in bed. If you don’t find such another person or even better, you can’t, can’t, can’t forget.

The above mentioned points are why you can’t forget to your ex-partner. Some of them only make you remember him/her, yet others make you even contact and keep in touch with like the first point. Which point/s is true about yourself?

Hamze Yassin


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